In Medeas Res | (2024) | Chris Haring/Liquid Loft
lost in freaky evolution_L.I.F.E. | (2023) | Chris Haring/Liquid Loft
living in funny eternity_L.I.F.E. | (2023) | Chris Haring/Liquid Loft & Bulbul
Stand Alones (Polyphony) | (2023) |Chris Haring/Liquid Loft | Austrian Embassy Berlin
Photoshoot | (2021) | David Payr
Fotoschule Wien | (2021) | Workshops led by Stephan Doleschal
Photoshoot | (2020) | Mick Morley
Fotoschule Wien | (2020) | Workshops led by Markus Hippmann
This Is What Happened In The Telephone Booth|
(2019) |orgAnic reVolt & das.bernhard.ensemble Fotoschule Wien | (2019) | Workshops led by Renée del Missier and Stephan Doleschal
Two Steps Back | (2018) |Tanz Company Gervasi
Enklave | (2018) | Tanz Company Gervasi | Solo in collaboration with Elio Gervasi
Foreign Tongues - Terschelling | (2018) | Chris Haring/ Liquid Loft
Church of Ignorance | 2018 | Chris Haring/ Liquid Loft
Fotoschule Wien | (2018) | Directed by Markus Hippmann
Floating photoshoot | (2017) | Thomas Weilguny
Enklave | (2017) | Tanz Company Gervasi | Solo in collaboration with Elio Gervasi
Fabrics photoshoot | (2017) |Erwin Weiler
Fotoschule Wien | (2017) | Directed by Markus Hippmann | Workshop led by Stephan Doleschal
Fotoschule Wien | (2017) | Directed by Markus Hippmann
Spatium |(2016/2017) | Cie. Tauschfühlung | Directed by Bianca Braunesberger
conseQUENCE | (2016) |Tanz Company Gervasi | Directed by Elio Gervasi
Fotoschule Wien | (2016) | Directed by Markus Hippmann
Klipp Hair Trends | (2016) | Cie. Tauschfühlung
Fotoschule Wien | (2015) | Directed by Markus Hippmann
What Kind of Animal is? | (2015/2016) | Tanz Company Gervasi | Directed by Elio Gervasi
You're sexy, you're cute, take off your riot suit! | (2015) | Tanzcoop | Directed by Gisela Heredia
The Bluff - Victor Harbour | (2015) | Photos by Lucy Timbrell
The White Horn | (2014) | Tanz Company Gervasi | Directed by Elio Gervasi
Drifting Through - FarbFlussKörper | (2014) | Tanz Company Gervasi | Directed by Elio Gervasi
Solo With Guests - Part II | (2013) | Tanz Company Gervasi | Directed by Elio Gervasi
Cultural Isolation | (2013) | FinsArt | Directed by Fiona Gardner
Trees Have a Secret | (2011) | Choreographed by Aidan Munn
LINK Dance Company | (2010) | WAAPA | Directed by Michael Whaites
A Hard Lot To Swallow | (2009) | Choreographed by Yolande Brown
© Hannah Timbrell | © header photo by Thomas Steghofer